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Sunday, 30 December 2012

Happy New Year!

Gosh! New year is approaching and it is making me nervous!

There are several reasons:

1. I am getting one year older each time and that means I have to start finding a way to get rid of all the wrinkles, laugh lines, eye bags, chubbiness, fats, saggy look etc.....
2. My last year's resolution still has not been fulfilled and now I have to add another one for the new year?! Urghh..... It doesn't make any sense!
3. With the new year, it means that I have longer responsibility and tasks list. I am not only a wife but also a mother, a wife and a worker and this list will go endlessly. You tell me....

These are among the major things. There are other things that are bothering me too but unfortunately, I cannot mention it here. Chill! Urghhhh..... it's killing me! Haha....

Well, regardless of the situation, life goes on and I would like to wish each and everyone of you....

Happy New Year!!!!!!
May the new year brings you prosperity and happiness!

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