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Wednesday, 25 May 2011
Live Malaysian Online TV Streaming
Kepada warga perantau yang ingin menonton siaran TV Malaysia secara live, silalah ke Btw, there is a monthly fee of USD10. I am not sure how good is the streaming but there is no harm done in trying and happy watching!
Monday, 23 May 2011
Gelap vs. Terang Hati
Sedikit tazkirah buat semua.
'Abdullah bin Mas'ud r.a pernah berkata :
"Empat hal yang termasuk penyebab gelapnya hati, yaitu :
Perut yang terlalu kenyang.
Berteman dengan orang-orang zhalim.
Melupakan dosa yang pernah dilakukan.
Panjang angan-angan.
Empat hal yang termasuk penyebab terangnya hati, yaitu :
Perut lapar karena tindakan hati-hati.
Berteman dengan orang-orang yang shalih.
Mengingat dosa yang pernah dilakukan.
Tidak panjang angan-angan.
Panjang angan-angan adalah memikirkan dan menanti sesuatu yang sulit untuk diraih.Berkaitan dengan panjang angan-angan ini Rasulullah Shallallahu 'Alaihi Wa Sallam pernah bersabda :
" Sesungguhnya sesuatu yang sangat aku khawatirkan atas kalian ada dua yaitu : Mengikuti hawa nafsu dan Panjang angan-angan.Mengikuti hawa nafsu berarti menjauhi kebenaran, sedangkan panjang angan-angan mencerminkan cinta dunia ".
( HR. Ibnu Abi Dun-ya ).
Perut lapar termasuk faktor penerang hati, sebab hal itu dapat mendorong seseorang untuk bersikap waspada dan hati-hati.
Mengingat dosa yang pernah dilakukan adalah termasuk faktor penerang hati, sebab hal itu dapat menimbulkan penyesalan atas dosa tersebut.
Abu Thayyib berkata : "Barangsiapa yang bergaul dengan Delapan Golongan, maka Allah akan menambah Delapan hal kepadanya, yaitu :
Barangsiapa yang bergaul dengan orang kaya, maka Allah akan menambah rasa cintanya kepada keduniaan.
Barangsiapa bergaul dengan orang fakir, maka Allah akan menambah rasa syukur dan ridha terhadap rejeki dari Allah.
Barangsiapa bergau dengan penguasa/pejabat, maka ia akan bertambah keras hatinya dan takabur.
Barangsiapa suka bergaul dengan wanita, maka ia akan bertambah kebodohan dan syahwatnya.
Barangsiapa suka bergaul dengan anak-anak, maka ia akan senang ermain.
Barangsiapa bergaul dengan orang fasiq, maka akan bertambah kecenderungannya untuk melakukan kemaksiatan dan menunda-nunda tobat.
Barangsiapa bergaul dengan orang-orang shalih, maka akan bertambah rasa cintanya dalam menaati Allah.
Barangsiapa bergaul dengan ulama, maka akan bertambah ilmu dan amalnya ".
Semoga yang sedikit ini bermanfaat.Marilah kita untuk senantiasa Mengajak Dan Menebar Kebaikan bagi sesama.
Kami beristighfar kepada Allah Subhanahu wa Ta'ala.Semoga Allah melimpahkan shalawat,salam dan keberkahan kepada Nabi kita Muhammad Shallallahu Alaihi Wa Sallam, keluarga dan para shahabatnya serta seluruh pengikut beliau.
Subhanakallahumma wabihamdika asyhadu alla ilaa hailla anta astaghfiruka wa atubu ilaika...
Marilah kita bersama-sama bermuhasabah diri kita.
New Task
Hello everyone,
Just to let you know that at the moment, I am collecting recipes from all over the world to be shared with you. So, please be patient and I will soon announce the first posting of my collection of recipes!
Just to let you know that at the moment, I am collecting recipes from all over the world to be shared with you. So, please be patient and I will soon announce the first posting of my collection of recipes!
Thursday, 19 May 2011
Wednesday, 18 May 2011
Luahan Hati
Ya Allah, andai dugaan ini bisa aku lalui dengan baik, kirimkan aku sedikit kekuatan dalam kelemahan jiwa. Andai ujian ini mampu aku tempuh tanpa rasa sakit, kirimkan aku cahaya untuk menerangi hati yang malap, agar bisa hambaMu ini menemui jalan keluar.
Tuesday, 10 May 2011
Sunday, 1 May 2011
I've been doing a lot of thinking recently (well, actually, all of my life... hahahha) and to get rid of my thinking cap and to get rid of this thinking wrinkles (hope so) I'd like to share with you some beautiful pictures that I took recently. Although I am not a good photographer, I do enjoy taking photographs! Come and join me below....
Tulips are my favourite flowers apart from roses, lily and daisies. Don't ask my why. I guess I am attracted to the stunning colours of these flowers and for me they are so girly. Red tulips are my favourite (actually, I love aything that is red in colour. Some poeple may associate red with devil. well, seriously,I don't care! I just LOVE red. For me, it is a symbol of bravery and courage and at times outrage! hahahhahha...)
This is the yellow one. Still beautiful although I don't favour the colour. It is interesting to note that tulips comes in many colours, shapes and sizes. Hmmm.... God is great!
I call this place mini Keukenhoff. It is not as big as the tulip garden, Keukenhoff in Amsterdam but it will do considering the fact that it is very near to my place and and will not incur so much money compared to the travelling cost to Amsterdam. By the way, this place is called Victoria Park and is situated in Jordanhill, Scotland. It takes about 15 minits driving from my place. My children and I really had a good time here.
That's my girl at the entrance of Victoria Park. I just love to see the trees at the left and right hand side of the street. It gives such a tranquil look and it is so GREEN!
That is purple blossoms! Beautiful isn't it?
The purple tulips! They are as beautiful as the red ones!
What do you think of this view? Me? I love it!
Aha! more purple tulips...
This is the red one! awwww.... my heart melts...
more tulips....
OMG.... I almost forgot. I really need to go. I will upload more soon.
Tulips are my favourite flowers apart from roses, lily and daisies. Don't ask my why. I guess I am attracted to the stunning colours of these flowers and for me they are so girly. Red tulips are my favourite (actually, I love aything that is red in colour. Some poeple may associate red with devil. well, seriously,I don't care! I just LOVE red. For me, it is a symbol of bravery and courage and at times outrage! hahahhahha...)
This is the yellow one. Still beautiful although I don't favour the colour. It is interesting to note that tulips comes in many colours, shapes and sizes. Hmmm.... God is great!
I call this place mini Keukenhoff. It is not as big as the tulip garden, Keukenhoff in Amsterdam but it will do considering the fact that it is very near to my place and and will not incur so much money compared to the travelling cost to Amsterdam. By the way, this place is called Victoria Park and is situated in Jordanhill, Scotland. It takes about 15 minits driving from my place. My children and I really had a good time here.
That's my girl at the entrance of Victoria Park. I just love to see the trees at the left and right hand side of the street. It gives such a tranquil look and it is so GREEN!
That is purple blossoms! Beautiful isn't it?
The purple tulips! They are as beautiful as the red ones!
What do you think of this view? Me? I love it!
Aha! more purple tulips...
This is the red one! awwww.... my heart melts...
more tulips....
OMG.... I almost forgot. I really need to go. I will upload more soon.
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